“The most common and the monstrous defect in the education of the day is that children fail to acquire the habit of reading.”
Charlotte M. Mason


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Charlotte's Imagination

Charlotte is a very imaginative three-year-old.  She adds quite a flair to our homeschool day.  The other kids, and me I must admit, can't wait to hear what she has dictated to me for writing class.  Here is her first story from March 8th, 2016.  It's  little gruesome at first, but laugh-out-loud funny.  It's best if you read it out loud in your normal adult voice....it makes it that much funnier.  I will include my own comments in parenthesis. Of course I tried to spell everything as phonetically as I could since I wrote exactly the words she told me.  I didn't add anything to it except the parenthesis.  Charlotte really likes to make up her own words so there is quite a bit of creativity.  Here goes!

"My story was the pirates gonna kill me in five orders.  The pirate was gonna kill me in half with a knife.  Then he tried cutting my head open wide.  Cut my neck and my arms and my tummy and my eyes and my feet and my nose and my butt.  And all that.  The end.

We like-ted Mommy.  The kids like-ted Mommy. Oh, we like her. (in a sing-song voice) Nothing else.

Then there was a big storm and huge.  And with glasses outside in the storm. Then there was a big storm just a little bit.  Then the truth was all over.  

Ken comed over to our house.  He's my best friend.

I was killed by "wybers".  It's a place where you live.

Do you have friends?

The boy who lived in Uctual Lively, cuz his name is Oakya. He was havin' a mom and a dad and a grandma and his kids.  He was gonna go then he lied-ed to Mommy.  He said, " I lied-ed about the truth that the Bible said."  He sent his Mommy at home.  His home is pink and purple.  It was five chair in the other room like ours.  He lied-ed to Mommy again.  That was when he got cutted by pirates.  He was pretending to be a mommy while hims mommy was a baby.  God loved him.  He's talkin' like a girl.  He wasn't asking everything to his mommy, he was asking somethin' to his brothers. Then he said, "Look!" to his brothers.  He was looking with 'nocklars (binoculars) at the pirates, cuz the pirates saw him.  He didn't have a knife. He lost his knife.  The wind blowd-ed his knife out of his hand."

LOL!  This is coming from an adorable, three-year-old mind.  My mom says that this story really does come full-circle ending with those violent pirates so it all makes sense.

Can't wait for the next installment!

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